Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Polsce Oddział w Suwałkach
Merry Christmas, people! My name is Murka, and I'm about 5 years old. This will be my second Christmas. You might wonder about the 2/5 balance? Unfortunately, I used to be treated as a remedy for my owner's depression and alcohol problems. The important thing was that he had someone to hug and talk to between parties. During that time, my skin was in great pain from scratching, and my teeth made it impossible for me to eat. I didn't have much to eat either. I only ate what my owner found in the trash. I had never been to a vet. The ladies here said that a good heart isn't everything, and you can't treat your human problems at my expense. They decided to take me in. In the shelter, it turned out I love meaty cans, and I always loudly demand the ladies to give them to me! There were some side effects of my screaming, like doubling my weight. Nevertheless, I still ask for canned food and supplements! I'm already a real cat and don't eat rotten tomatoes from the trash.
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